Business planning and strategy

  • Member of management team responsible for business planning and strategic reviews of the Planning Service at New Forest District Council 2005-2015
  • Member of core team that launched a new regional design centre in 2005 (Solent Centre for Architecture + Design) that ran successfully for 7 years.  Organisation was constituted as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.  Founding Director and member of Finance Committee 2005-2012.
  • Strategic and financial planning, risk management and reserves policy for the Landscape Institute (a registered charity) and its trading arm Landscape Services Ltd.  Trustee of the charity 2002-2011 and Director of the trading company 2006-2012
  • Community Action Network leader for the Built Environment 2004-2010 and environmental input to the New Forest Community Strategy 2008-2012
  • Submission of evidence for the Comprehensive Performance Review for New Forest District Council 2004 (outcome rating ‘Excellent’)
  • Strategic management and financial planning as part of Steering Group for the Community Environment Project, a partnership project in Hampshire run by a consortium of local authorities and the Countryside Commission 1988-1997.