Landscape Planning and Development Management

(including Major Infrastructure)

  • Critical appraisal of planning submissions and EIAs
  • Formal and informal Design Review
  • Assessment of proposals in the light of national policy and local policy for design and the environment
  • Landscape and Visual Impact
  • Environment and design negotiation
  • Advice and recommendations to support planning decisions
  • Support to planning officers and to Planning Committee
  • Led teams responsible for provision of professional advice in the planning process (urban and landscape design, architectural, conservation, arboricultural, ecological) at Southampton City Council and New Forest District Council. Co-ordination and integration of different strands of professional advice.
  • Expert witness and contributing to the local planning authority response to major infrastructure proposals (eg Navitus Bay proposed offshore wind farm, Dibden Bay proposed container port)
  • Provision of environmental design policy advice for successive versions of the Local Plan in New Forest District over the period 1991-2015
  • Project leader for New Forest District Landscape Character Assessment, a partnership between New Forest District Council, Hampshire County Council, the Countryside Commission and English Heritage, adopted 2000