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 "Neil did a truly first-class job of all his work on a recent challenging landscape public inquiry case, with really noteworthy attention to all aspects of the character, appearance and wider setting of the harm caused to the landscape. He was great to work with and his perceptive review added real value to the whole team's case." 

      Sasha Blackmore
      Planning and Environmental Barrister
      Landmark Chambers

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"As a Parish Council sat within a most complex planning landscape that includes a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and a National Park, and with a community that is committed to taking as much of a lead as possible with a Neighbourhood Plan, we quickly realised that we needed professional help to guide us through the process.  Neil has provided us with that professional help and reassurance that yes, we can do this, and we are confident that together with Neil we will produce a Plan that satisfies not only the community but also the Planning Inspector." 

      Stephanie Bennett
      Clerk to Hythe & Dibden Parish Council 

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 “Neil was President of the Landscape Institute between 2008-2010.  It was an exceptionally difficult time for us, as it was for many organisations and hard decisions had to be made swiftly and with a clear head.  Neil's leadership ensured that Board and Council remained united and focused on their tasks, so we turned the financial situation around in record time.” 

 Alastair McCapra
- Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Public Relations
- Previously Chief Executive of The Landscape Institute, 2008-2013

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 “I first met Neil in 1999 when he helped launch the UK Designing Out Crime Association (DOCA).  In 2003 I had the pleasure of working directly with him when he was invited to be the principal author of the much needed ‘core principles’ to support the police Secured by Design project.  This was an excellent example of DOCA doing exactly what it was set up to do, improving communication and mutual understanding across what were at the time unfortunately quite marked dividing lines between three broad groups: the police and security experts; the planning and design professions; and the academic and research community.” 

 Calvin Beckford
- Author and owner of ‘’, the UK’s largest and most comprehensive online  resource for free Crime Prevention advice
- Widely-published expert in crime prevention
- Former Metropolitan Police Officer

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"There is always confidence when commissioning Neil.  He has a formidable track record, based on an ability to combine creative insight with resilience and discipline, to bring excellent projects to effective and timely conclusions.

Enabling clients to develop creative ideas, with his support and guidance, is a trademark of Neil’s approach.  This comes from a deep understanding that the best schemes fulfil needs, which demands the effective engagement of users.

A pleasure to work with, Neil is a strong and supportive lead, able to combine the skills and language of design with that of budgets and procurement." 

Martin Devine
former Head of Leisure & Employment
New Forest District Council

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"Neil has long experience of local government and the planning system and successfully managed the design team for me at New Forest District Council for many years. This was a multidisciplinary team of design professionals including architects, urban designers, arboriculturalists, landscape architects and conservation experts. Their role involved provision of advice in development management, design policy, and the design and implementation of an extensive programme of environmental projects ranging from civic squares and waterfronts to open space, recreation and heritage restoration projects. Neil managed this team with the skill and perseverance necessary to bring often complex projects to a successful conclusion around the District."

Chris Elliott
former Executive Head of Economy, Housing & Planning

New Forest District Council

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“Neil is an invaluable asset to the Faculty Ethics Committee at the University of Southampton. Not only does he conduct a high volume of meticulous and timely ethics reviews, but he also contributes proactively to the development of procedures and guidelines within the Faculty’s ethics governance. He recently took the lead on producing tailored advice to ethics applicants; he is assisting in the revision of consent and risk forms; and has contributed to the training of new ethics reviewers. His eye for detail, critical but constructive appraisals, and courteous approach make him a joy to work with!” 

Dr Elisabeth Schroeder-Butterfill
Chair of Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences Ethics Committee
University of Southampton

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“Neil has been a lay (voluntary) member of the Research Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences for a number of years now; I had the pleasure of chairing the Committee for four of these years.  In all this time Neil was a model of integrity and professionalism. His reviews were always very thorough, respectful, perceptive and constructive, and followed the guidelines and policies to the letter ‘always managed without ever being pedantic. He was a real pleasure to work alongside.” 

Professor Roger Ingham
School of Psychology
University of Southampton

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“Neil Williamson has worked with New Milton Town Council for a decade, starting in 2005 when he took over as Project Manager for major street scene improvements in the town’s high street, Station Road.

We subsequently engaged Neil to prepare a strategic Vision Plan for the Recreation Ground in the town centre, followed by a series of capital projects including bespoke Performance Pavilion and Skate Park, and two multi-use games areas.

Neil’s professionalism, responsiveness to local community needs and imaginative design approaches have delivered a range of innovative and popular facilities that are undoubted assets to the town.” 

David Hawkins
Town Mayor
New Milton Town Council